17 Mar - 2022

Cavaletti celebrates its 48th birthday and opens a new Unit.

Last Tuesday, March 15, 2022, Cavaletti S/A Professional Chairs celebrated its 48th birthday!

48 years of a pioneering history, based on quality and innovation.

And to celebrate, all the employees present were gathered to contemplate a little bit of this successful trajectory and another great achievement of the company: unit 3!

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At the present moment, the Chief Executive Officer Mr Gilmar José Cavaletti and the Vice President Mário Luiz Cavaletti recalled the path, difficulties and achievements to get here, presenting – in addition to the new unit – excellent perspectives for what lies ahead.

With the right to messages, videos and a treat for each employee, March 15th ended with the traditional ”Happy Birthday to You” that Cavaletti deserves.

In the image, 600 of the more than 800 employees, who every day align themselves with Cavaletti’s purpose: the value of doing more!